Typically, a business has both a legal trade name and a trade name. The legal, as mentioned, appears on legal documents and government forms. On the other hand, a trade name usually appears on advertisements and signs. Registering a business name also means that you can have a bank account for both names. Whether a customer writes a check to Meema`s Auto Repair Inc. or simply to Meema`s Auto Repair, you can cash the check because the bank has your registration papers for both names. Company name. When a corporation is incorporated, it must register a corporate name. Similarly, a limited liability company (LLC) registers an LLC name and a limited partnership (LP) registers an LP name. The names of these corporations must be approved by the Secretary of State (or another state agency that oversees corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships) before the name is registered. If a corporation, LLC or limited partnership operates under the registered name, the name of the corporation, LLC or limited partnership is both the legal name and the trade name.
The creation of certain business entities, the registration of an adopted name or the registration of a trademark can provide you with the protection of a trade name. If your preferred valid name is available in one state, it will remain available to all others. Your state may require you to renew your DBA application every few years or register in each county where you want to do business. This means submitting a form and paying a fee in each county, which can add up. You don`t need an LLC to start a business, but for many businesses, the benefits of having an LLC far outweigh the cost and start-up effort. For example, if your customers pay you with checks, registering both names means you can open a business checking account under both names and your customers can use your legal name or DBA name as the recipient. This is especially handy if your customers don`t know your legal name. Companies are looking for memorable and recognizable names that they can use to structure their brand, reach customers, and drive sales. Their goal is to become a household name like Walmart, Amazon or Disney. A name check prevents a state from rejecting your documents because the name is not available if you are trying to form or form an LLC. But remember, a name check simply tells you that the name is available at the time of verification. It does not “contain” the name for you or guarantee that you will have it.
If there is a delay before you are ready to submit your incorporation or incorporation documents, consider making a name reservation. This brings us to the next point. The legal name of an LLC or corporation is the legal name used when you file with the state to form your LLC or business. It will appear on your incorporation document (for example, the articles of association or the certificate of organization). This name must meet the state`s naming requirements for LLCs and corporations. If you want to operate under a name other than your company`s legal name, register a business name for your business. Each state and county has different rules for registering a DTA. Some charge a separate fee and request for each DBA you register. Check with your jurisdiction for more information on registering a business name. A business name is one of the first things that connect a customer to a company`s products or services. Registering a business name is part of the LLC filing process: Once your LLC has been filed in the state, your name is registered.
Although the name can be reserved in advance, this is usually not necessary to register an LLC. If the fictitious name of the company is registered with the state, you can open business bank accounts that allow for a more transparent financial process. In addition, the fictitious name must not be close to that of another company, including those in your industry. This can result in lawsuits under competition law, both at the state and federal levels. If the lawsuit is lost, there will be significant financial damage and your business may need to be renamed. Just because a legal name is considered available by the state depositary authority does not mean that another company does not own the trademark rights to the name. You don`t need to have a business name; You can easily do business with your full official name. However, if you decide to use a business name, you will need to register it with your state or county.
To protect consumers (so they can determine who actually owns a company they`re interacting with), you`ll need to file a fictitious name statement (sometimes just called a DBA application) by filling out a simple form, paying a fee, and sometimes placing a legal notice in a newspaper. Filing a DBA (Doing Business As) allows your existing or new business to do business under a name other than your company`s legal name. This can be useful for establishing a brand name or changing the name of a business without having to file an amendment to an original application. Whether or not you register a trademark, it`s good to know if your name is already taken. What you need to do with your LLC name depends on whether you are already in business or if you are forming a new LLC. For step-by-step instructions on common LLC naming scenarios, see: Conversely, a business name can be an entirely new name that is more eye-catching, helps show what your business is doing, and looks more professional. An example would be a marketing company that wants to demonstrate its skills by coming up with a creative business name instead of using the owner`s name. A DTA may be filed by one of the commercial vehicles referred to in this Article. However, LLC and corporate filing may sometimes differ from filing for sole proprietorships and partnerships in some states.
The LLC vs company name can be two separate names and serve different purposes. The LLC name or legal name is the official name of the company used to sign documents, file tax returns, file lawsuits, or file a loan application with a bank. On the other hand, a business name or trade name is the name that the public uses to identify your business. This can be on anything from business cards to websites to marketing pieces. You have the option to choose whether the two names are identical or not. If you have already incorporated your corporation or limited liability company, but want to expand your business in another state, you must comply with the naming rules of the other state if you qualify to do business there. And there are other names that your company or LLC may use, such as: Database administrators (aliases), fictitious names, and domain names, which can also be part of your company`s naming process. Company name. “Trade name” is a collective term that refers to all the names of a business – its legal name, its legal name, its fictitious legal name and the names of its products and services. In this context, the term “company name” should be recognized as a generic term, as it does not distinguish between more specific types of company names.
If a company is incorporated as an LLC, it must have some form of “limited liability company” in its legal name. These include abbreviations such as “LLC”, “llc” or “l.l.c.” The bottom line is that you don`t need to have a business name, but you might find it useful to have one. A corporation is a separate legal entity from its owners with a basic operating structure consisting of shareholders, officers, directors and employees. A C Corp corporate structure protects your personal assets. Companies need a unique name and must meet certain naming requirements, here are some general requirements: Limited liability companies (LLCs) and companies must provide their legal name when registering the company. Unlike other business structures, the legal company name for LLCs and corporations does not need to include one of the owners` names to be the trade name. However, some states require LLCs and corporations to include “LLC” or “corporation” in their corporate name (e.g., Rockwell Technology LLC). The official name is the official name of your business, which identifies it to the government. If you have a business, your name probably includes the designation “Inc.”, such as Cute Boots Inc. If your business is an LLC, your name probably ends with “LLC,” such as Valley Woodwork LLC. If a partnership is formed with two owners, the surname of both partners may be the legal name. If the decision is made to use a name that is not the surname, the partners must establish a written partnership agreement containing the legal name chosen.
The partners must then register the corporate name with the Secretary of State or the appropriate body. As your business evolves, you may want (or need to) change your company`s DBA name. Perhaps you are considering adding a new product line. Or maybe a partner has joined your company. Either way, sometimes you have to flip your business name around so that it matches the changes you make to your business. To legally name a business, you need to start a business with the name you want, file a DBA, or file an amendment to change the legal name. Then, a quick search of the U.S. electronic trademark search system will show you if someone else has already protected your name. Once you know the name is available, you can register a trademark for your business, although sometimes the cost of a startup or start-up is too high. This business structure must operate under the owner`s family name. To use a different name, the business owner must apply for a DBA (Doing Business As). You can change the legal name of your company or LLC as many times as you want, but the new name must meet the same legal requirements as the original legal name.